Sunday, September 11, 2022

Shree Siddeshwar Jatre

The Shree Siddeshwar fair, also known as Siddwshwar Jatre, takes place on the last Monday of Hindus' auspicious month of Shraavan.
On each day of this Shraavan maas-Month at Bilgi, a group of people perform Nagar Sankeertane and Bhajana in the early morning hours. They leave from the Shree Siddeshwar temple, travel across all of Bilgi, and return to the temple around six in the morning.

The Shree Siddeshwar temple is frequently visited by Bilgi residents, especially during this month. Every Monday is also unique since Shiva is believed by Hindus to be associated with this day. 

Because the last Monday of the Shravan Month is considered auspicious, a special Pooja is performed to Shree Siddeshwar and a fair or Jatre is held on this day. Morning Sankeertane will be present on this day. People also come to the temple to pray and perform Pooja for Shree Siddeshwar. The Kalasa of Shree Siddeshwar will be carried in procession through the streets of Bilgi beginning in the morning. When Kalasa appears in front of people's homes, they decorate it with flowers, garland and perform pooja.

Some pictures of Kalasa:

After the Kalasa procession returns to Shree Siddeshawar temple in the evening, a Rathostava-chariot will pull out in front of the temple. A large crowd is expected. More than 25,000 to 30,000 people gather to watch and pull this chariot. Ratha or Chariot is festooned with flowers and flags. Some images and videos of the Rathostava as below:

Some more videos and images of Jatre- Fair:

There will be numerous stalls, hotels, toy stores, snack shops, and so on. People go to the fair with their families and friends to watch the Rastostav from the hills. They all eat snacks, visit the stalls, and play with the toys. People throw dry dates on the Chariot while Ratostav is going on. There are a lot of processions going on. It's an electrifying atmosphere throughout the town.. 

After this day, the kalasa will return to its original location with a large procession and fireworks.

On this Jatre- Fair occasion, they organise a variety of sports, plays, and other events throughout the town.  Temple and the town is decorated with lof lightings, flowers etc 

Some more images and videos:

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